玖城牌高温导热油 JC High Temperature Heat Conduction Oil玖城牌高温导热油 产品型号:HT280 HT300 HT320 HT350 产品描述:玖城牌高温导热油选用精制的窄馏分矿物基础油,加入清净,分散、抗高氧化等多种添加剂精制而成。适用于强制或非强制循环的闭式传热系统。 产品特点: 无毒、无污染,环保型产品。 闪点较高,使用安全。 热传导好、不易结焦。 对设备无腐蚀,省煤节电。 加热快、使用温度高、热稳定性好、使用寿命长。 产品应用: 可用于碳素工业、空调工业、建筑工业、造纸印刷工业、食品工业、木材工业、涂装工业、纤维工业、纺织印染工业、塑料橡胶工业、石化工业、油脂工业、化工工业等行业中的油锅炉、油浴炉、烘房、热定型机及蒸馏、分馏、反应罐等加热工艺中作液相热传导介质。 使用温度:-20℃~320℃ ![]()
JC High Temperature Heat Conduction Oil Product number:HT280 HT300 HT320 HT350 Product description: JC High temperature heat conducting oil is selected from refined narrow distillate mineral base oil, and is refined by adding various additives such as cleaning, dispersing, high oxidation resistance and so on. Closed heat transfer system suitable for forced or non forced circulation. Performance characteristics: Non-toxic, pollution-free, environmentally friendly products. The flash point is high, and it is safe to use. Heat conduction is good and it is not easy coking. There is no corrosion to the equipment,province coal saving electricity. Fast heating, high usage temperature, good thermal stability and long service life. Recommended use: It can be used in the carbon industry, the air conditioning industry, the construction industry, the papermaking and printing industry, the food industry, the wood industry, the coating industry, the fiber industry, the textile printing and dyeing industry, the plastic and rubber industry, the petrochemical industry, the oil industry, the chemical industry and so on other industries, such as the oil boilers, the oil baths, the baking rooms, the heat setting machines, and distillation and fractionation. The reaction tank and other heating processes are used as liquid phase heat conduction medium. Temperature range:-20℃ to 320℃ 玖城牌高温导热油典型数据:Typical data of JC High temperature heat conducting oil: