玖城牌高温齿轮润滑脂 JC High Temperature Gear Lubricating Grease产品型号:GH1401 GH1402 GH1403 产品描述:玖城牌高温齿轮润滑脂采用聚脲类稠化剂稠化高粘度酯类合成油,添加多种添加剂用特殊工艺精制而成。 产品特点: 优异的抗氧化性,在高温下无稀释、烧干现象。 优异的耐高温性能,避免在高温运转时油脂流失。 优异的极压、抗磨性能和承载能力,能长效减少齿轮磨损。 出色的粘附性和耐高速性,坚韧的油膜在齿轮运行中不会破坏或被甩出。 产品应用: 用于高转速的减速电机金属齿轮以及蜗轮、蜗杆的润滑及减噪音。 用于高温高速工况下的齿轮、滑轮、导轨、链条、轴承传动装置的润滑。 各种工业设备滚动与滑动摩擦部件,高速齿轮传动装置,链条、离合器的润滑。 使用温度:-30℃~260℃ ![]()
JC High Temperature Gear Lubricating Grease Product number:GH1401 GH1402 GH1403 Product description:JC High temperature gear lubricating grease is manufactured by polyurea thickening agent thickened high viscosity ester synthetic oil,and add a variety of additives to be refined by special process. Performance characteristics: Excellent oxidation resistance, no the phenomenon of dilution and drying at the high temperature. Excellent high temperature resistance to avoid grease loss at high temperature. Excellent extreme pressure, abrasion resistance and bearing capacity can reduce gear wear . Excellent adhesion and high speed resistance. Tough oil film will not be destroyed or thrown out in gear operation. Recommended use: Used for high speed reduction motor metal gear and worm gear, worm lubrication and noise reduction. It is used for lubrication of gears, pulleys, guideways, chains and bearing transmission units at the high temperature and high speed. Lubrication of various industrial equipment rolling and sliding parts, high speed gear trains, chains and clutches. Temperature range:-30℃ to 260℃ 玖城牌高温齿轮润滑脂的典型数据:Typical data of JC High temperature gear lubricating grease: